How to use this manual Bamboo Splitter Machine ?

1. The first step is to split your bamboo pole with our Bamboo Splitter. The maximum thickness of the slats to enter the machine is 12 mm.
2. Feed the bamboo slat into the machine
3. Turn the crank
4. You get bamboo slats divided across the width (0,5 mm to 3 mm thick)
5. You can then use our machine to split thin bamboo strips lenghtwise
Why split bamboo strips into thinner strips ?
If you want to make items like:
- Bags
- Baskets
- Carpets
- Curtains
Or any item which need very thin strips, then you can use this bamboo splitting machine.
Indeed, when you use the Bamboo Splitter, you obtain slats with the thickness of your bamboo, which can be very thick ! To make items that require thinner slats, this machine is very useful.